7th Level Inc., Readme Notes Welcome to Monty Python's Complete Waste of Time CD Sampler. INFORMATION ON THE FULL VERSION OF COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME Monty Python's Complete Waste of Time is an interactive comedy show that gives you a chance to solve the secret to intergalactic success. Discover the secret, and you can win a pentium-based multimedia computer and other prizes. Enjoy popular skits, songs, screen savers, wallpapers, audio clips, desktop icons and other naughty bits. To purchase your own copy of Complete Waste of Time, visit your local software reseller, or call us on 01223-425558 for details of your nearest stockist. INSTALLING THE COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME SAMPLER To install the Complete Waste of Time Sampler, select the File menu and choose Run from the Program Manager. Type D:\SETUP (if necessary, replace D: with the letter that represents your CD-ROM drive) in the Command Line and press ENTER. Follow the instructions given in the installation program. To start Monty Python's Complete Waste of Time Sampler, double click the Monty Python Sampler icon, which was created for you by the installation program. KEYBOARD FUNCTIONS The + and - keys provide a convenient means for raising and lowering the volume. Some sound boards do not support volume control, so these keys may not function in all cases. Use the spacebar to abort audio and video sequences. The following key combinations can be used to replace mouse movements for certain activities and functions. Shift+Esc Exits Complete Waste of Time Sampler Shift L Takes you to the Loonatorium Ctrl R Toggles on/off restricted mode COMMON PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS Problem: The program seems to run slow and the video seems choppy in places. Solution: As with any program under Windows, the speed and the smoothness of the Monty Python program is dependent on the speed of the hardware that it is running on. Hardware configurations that affect performance are: the amount of memory and the speed of the video card, the processor type, the amount of real memory and the transfer rate of the CD-ROM drive. While the minimum system configuration required to run the Monty Python program is a 486 25 MHz computer with 4 MB of RAM, a video card capable of running 256 colors and a single-speed CD-ROM drive, the recommended system configuration is a 486 33 MHz computer with 8 MB of RAM, a video card with at least 256 colors, and a double-speed CD-ROM drive. You may be able to increase the performance of the program by upgrading one or all of these elements of your computer system, depending on what you already have. Problem: When I try to run the Monty Python Sampler program, I get a "Not enough memory" message. Solution: On a 4 MB system the Monty Python Sampler program requires 5 to 10 MB of virtual memory. For instructions on setting virtual memory, please consult your Windows documentation. Problem: The program does not display properly. Solution: Make sure you have an SVGA display running in 640x480 or 800x600 mode with 256 colors. Also, make sure that you have the proper display driver installed. A display with more colors or running at a higher resolution also will work with the Monty Python program, although fades between scenes will not be as smooth. Problem: The program is working, but you don't hear any sound. Solution: Make sure your sound card is installed and working properly. You can check the sound from your sound board by using the Sound utility in the Control Panel. Choose one of the WAV files in the Windows directory and click Test. Problem: The sound or video skips during the program. Solution: Make sure you have at least 4 MB of RAM. Also, make sure that an expanded memory manager (such as EMM386, QEMM or 386MAX) is not reserving memory that Windows and the Monty Python program will need to run correctly. Problem: The sound and video are not synchronized properly. Solution: Make sure that you are running the Monty Python Sampler program on a 486 25 MHz or better IBM-compatible computer with at least 4 MB of RAM. Problem: The sound breaks up or has a lot of static. Solution: You may need to change the DMA setting on your sound card. Please check the documentation for your sound card for the proper settings and how to change the settings. Problem: The volume is too low or too high. Solution: You can adjust the volume using the + and - keys within the Monty Python program. Problem: The program seems to run extremely slow. Solution: Make sure that you have a permanent swap file set up in Windows. Please consult your Windows documentation for instructions regarding your swap file settings.